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Investors can buy shares or subscribe to convertible loans.

The investors who at the start of the company together bought B shares for 35,000 EURO, and since last quarter 2021 were involved and helped with the preparation, received for this 2/3rds of all ARIOLAS BV shares.

Additional investors buying B shares will be able to acquire them at a price per share each time reflecting the increase of company valuation at the particular time of investement decision. Several new B shares were sold already since the start of the company. Other types of investing can exist by subscribing to convertible loans. Subscribers to convertible loans receive a 3 % interest per year, until they convert – on voluntary basis – into B shares, at a rate versus the company valuation at the time of conversion , increased by a 25 % discount. 

Interested to invest by buying ARIOLAS BV shares or subscribing to convertible loans ?